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Home Boards & Cards Multiport Serial Cards

Multiport Serial Cards

Advantech offers a wide variety of serial communication cards supporting the RS-232/422/485 and CAN bus protocols and providing different channel numbers to meet the needs of diverse applications. With the industrial-grade ESD, Surge, Isolation and EFT protections, our serial communnication cards can prevent the damage from harsh industrial environments.
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32ch Iso. DIO and 32ch TTL DIO w/ Filter
  1. 32-ch isolated DI/O (16-ch digital input, 16-ch digital output)
  2. 32-ch TTL DI/O (16-ch digital input,16-ch digital output)
  3. High output driving capacity
  4. Interrupt handling capability
  5. 2 x 20-pin connectors for isolated DI/O channels and 2 for TTL DI/O channels
  6. D-type connector for isolated input and output channels
  7. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)


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32-channel Isolated Digital I/O PCI Express
  1. 16-ch isolated digital input
  2. 16-ch isolated digital output for both PNP(source)/ NPN (sink) type
  3. High output driving capacity
  4. DO type selectable by software
  5. High isolation voltage (2,500 VDC)


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48-ch Digital I/O and 3-ch Counter PCI Express
  1. 48 TTL digital I/O lines
  2. Emulates mode 0 of 8255 PPI (every port with nibble)
  3. Supports both dry and wet contact
  4. Interrupt handling capability; Timer/Counter interrupt capability
  5. Buffered circuits for higher driving capacity than the 8255
  6. Keeps the I/O port setting and DO state after system reset
  7. BoardID switch
  8. Pattern match interrupt function for DI
  9. Change of state interrupt function for DI; Programmable digital filter function for DI


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64-Channel Isolated Digital Input PCI Express Card
  1. Wide input range (10 ~ 30 VDC)
  2. Either +/- voltage input for DI by group
  3. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC)
  4. High-voltage isolation (2,500 VDC)
  5. Output status read-back
  6. Keeps the output settings and values after system hot reset
  7. Channel-freeze function


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CIRCUIT MODULE, 4-ch, 80MS/s Digitizer PCIE Card
  1. 4 simultaneous analog inputs, up to 125MHz, 16-bit resolution
  2. 500MHz Time Interleaved Sampling
  3. Non-stop data streaming capable
  4. 2 GB on-board memory
  5. 1M or 50 Ohm selectable input impedance
  6. On-Board tunable anti-aliasing filter
  7. AC/DC Coupling


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